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Founded since 2016 in the heart of Singapore – Orchard, we provide motorbike rental to every rider. Either you are a foreign expat, a new rider, or someone who wants to earn a living, we believe you should deserve an easy choice. Just ask us for a quote, bring your license, then you can get your bike in less than 10 minutes.
Why are we focusing on food delivery riders? Because we believe in the future of on-demand food delivery, peer-to-peer economy, and libertarianism.
After transport, you get the food-delivery wave, which is following suit exactly the way it has in the U.S. And it is growing more rapidly in Southeast Asia, because — as any Asian person will happily tell you — they love their food more than you do. Food unites their cultures in a way that’s nearly incomprehensible to westerners, especially outside the large cities. — Steve Yegge
At AloRide, we offer lowest rates for motorbike rental on the market by leveraging automation and a lean business model.
All bikes are commercially insured, highly maintained by our award-winning motorbike shop partners.
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